A Mother’s Dream

A Mother’s Dream

Chhon Chhuot, 38, with her 6 children,  lives at Tatrai in Kampong Preah village, Kampong Preah commune, Sangke district, Battambang province. She was married in 2010, however, in 2013, her husband died from a motor accident. Since then, she has to play both roles as a mother and father of the family.

Chhuot and her 6 children were living in a small house in a narrow alley, without a toilet. She is a farmer and an informal laborer, earning 25,000 riels (USD 6.30) per day for cover the family’s expenses including her 6 children’s schooling. Living in a poor condition, she often finds it difficult to access social service.

In 2018, she encountered a Participatory Approach for Safe Shelter Awareness (PASSA) committee, a partner of Habitat for Humanity Cambodia. The committee recommended her family to Habitat Cambodia, who decided to make her a beneficiary for a new house, however, she does not own a land. Habitat Cambodia, determined to help Chhuot, visited her family and discussed how to find new land for her. Her father decided to share a plot of land for his daughter where she can build a house. Because of this, Habitat Cambodia is able to provide a new house with latrine to her and her family.

Now Chhuot and her children have a secure and safe place to call home. With smiling face, Chhuot said “Without support from Habitat Cambodia, my family situation would be never better as we cannot earn to build a new house for my children to stay. We would like to thank Habitat Cambodia for supporting us both new house and latrine and made a difference life for my family”.

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